Reattività vs Aggressività: Come Comprendere il Linguaggio del Cane e Aiutarlo

Reactivity vs. Aggression: How to Understand Dog Language and Help

Mariasole Ferrante

The text explains the difference between reactivity and aggression in dogs, emphasizing that they are often confused. Reactivity is an immediate and amplified response to a stimulus that the dog perceives as overwhelming, caused by emotions such as excitement, fear or frustration. It is not aimed at causing harm, but is a way for the dog to express its discomfort. Aggression, on the other hand, is an intentional and purposeful behavior, linked to the defense of oneself or one's resources. It is important to distinguish between the two behaviors to correctly interpret the dog's language and improve the relationship with him. Confusing reactivity with aggression can lead to misunderstandings and wrong interventions, which could worsen the situation. Understanding these differences helps to respect the dog's emotions and create a deeper connection.

Read the article HERE.

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