"Addestramento canino: i benefici delle ricompense rispetto alle punizioni per il benessere del cane"

"Dog Training: The Benefits of Rewards Over Punishments for Dog Well-Being"

Mariasole Ferrante

The study conducted by Nicola Jane Rooney and Sarah Cowan explored the training methods used by dog ​​owners and their effects on dog behavior. The training methods are mainly based on operant conditioning, which uses rewards and punishments to influence behavior. The results of the study showed that dogs trained with reward-based methods showed better performance and a greater ability to learn new commands. These dogs also tended to be more interactive and playful.

In contrast, dogs trained with punishment, especially physical punishment, are less likely to interact with others and tend to have a more reserved behavior. The study also highlighted the importance of play and patience in training, with dogs learning better and bonding more strongly with their owners when positive methods are used.

In conclusion, the reward-based approach appears to be more beneficial for the dog's well-being, improving learning and promoting more positive interactions, while the use of punishments can have negative effects on behavior.

Read the article HERE

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