News from PatForPet

"Olfatto e Movimento delle Orecchie nei Cani: Come Sincronizzano i Sensi per una Percezione Superiore"

"Olfatto e Movimento delle Orecchie nei Cani: C...

Mariasole Ferrante

Il legame tra olfatto e movimento delle orecchie nei cani è affascinante. Durante attività come il mantrailing, i cani usano olfatto, udito e postura per migliorare la percezione degli odori....

"Olfatto e Movimento delle Orecchie nei Cani: C...

Mariasole Ferrante

Il legame tra olfatto e movimento delle orecchie nei cani è affascinante. Durante attività come il mantrailing, i cani usano olfatto, udito e postura per migliorare la percezione degli odori....

"Scopri il Potere Segreto dell'Autocondizionamento nel Tuo Cane: Come Trasformare Comportamenti Indesiderati in Abitudini Perfette!"

"Discover the Secret Power of Self-Conditioning...

Mariasole Ferrante

Self-conditioning is when a dog learns on its own to modify its behavior based on everyday experiences, without direct human intervention. For example, it may associate the sound of the...

"Discover the Secret Power of Self-Conditioning...

Mariasole Ferrante

Self-conditioning is when a dog learns on its own to modify its behavior based on everyday experiences, without direct human intervention. For example, it may associate the sound of the...

"Addestramento canino: i benefici delle ricompense rispetto alle punizioni per il benessere del cane"

"Dog Training: The Benefits of Rewards Over Pun...

Mariasole Ferrante

The study by Rooney and Cowan found that dogs trained with reward-based methods learn better, are more interactive and playful. On the contrary, the use of punishments, especially physical ones,...

"Dog Training: The Benefits of Rewards Over Pun...

Mariasole Ferrante

The study by Rooney and Cowan found that dogs trained with reward-based methods learn better, are more interactive and playful. On the contrary, the use of punishments, especially physical ones,...

Reattività vs Aggressività: Come Comprendere il Linguaggio del Cane e Aiutarlo

Reactivity vs. Aggression: How to Understand Do...

Mariasole Ferrante

The text clarifies the difference between reactivity and aggression in dogs. Reactivity is an intense emotional response to stimuli perceived as overwhelming, while aggression is an intentional behavior related to...

Reactivity vs. Aggression: How to Understand Do...

Mariasole Ferrante

The text clarifies the difference between reactivity and aggression in dogs. Reactivity is an intense emotional response to stimuli perceived as overwhelming, while aggression is an intentional behavior related to...

"Come il Gioco Influenza il Benessere del Cane: Le Fasi Comportamentali e l'Importanza del Feedback Negativo"

"How Play Affects Dog Well-Being: Behavioral Ph...

Mariasole Ferrante

The article highlights the importance of play for the psychophysical well-being of the dog, focusing on the three behavioral phases: appetitive (motivation), consummatory (active interaction) and gratifying (retrieval). Negative feedback,...

"How Play Affects Dog Well-Being: Behavioral Ph...

Mariasole Ferrante

The article highlights the importance of play for the psychophysical well-being of the dog, focusing on the three behavioral phases: appetitive (motivation), consummatory (active interaction) and gratifying (retrieval). Negative feedback,...

L'amore non basta: costruire un rapporto equilibrato tra uomo e cane.

Love is not enough: building a balanced relatio...

Mariasole Ferrante

The article points out that showering the dog with attention when returning home, to compensate for his loneliness, can cause anxiety and dependency. Dogs are sensitive to their owners' emotions...

Love is not enough: building a balanced relatio...

Mariasole Ferrante

The article points out that showering the dog with attention when returning home, to compensate for his loneliness, can cause anxiety and dependency. Dogs are sensitive to their owners' emotions...