Discovering Dog Breeding with Giorgio Maggiolo: Passion and Expertise
Mariasole FerranteShare
Two weeks ago I was invited as a sponsor to the finals of the mantrailing sports competitions, organized by Legendary Dogs Academy ASD and Happy Dog Park in Perugia.
These were fantastic days, during which, as always, you learn a lot and meet new and interesting people.
Today I will tell you about Giorgio Maggiolo, passionate about graphic design and photography, but above all about dog training. It is precisely this last passion that led him to become a dog trainer and educator: "A dog trainer helps the owner and his dog to manage their emotions and communicate effectively, improving their mutual understanding."
Giorgio teaches us that dogs are always communicating with us, but we often fail to understand them properly. This happens because we humans do not interpret their signals correctly. Giorgio explains that dogs' brains are very similar to ours, with almost identical main structures, and that they react to environmental stimuli in a very similar way to us.
And it is precisely because of his passion and expertise, as well as his writing skills, that I decided to share his articles with you, which you can also find on his blog Professione Cinofilo ( http://www.professionecinofilo.it ), to embark with you on this fantastic journey into knowledge of dogs.
Want to find out more about Giorgio? Click here and don't miss the next articles!