La stroria di Paladino e Lucrezia

The story of Paladino and Lucrezia

Mariasole Ferrante

The story of Paladino and Lucrezia.

I have known Lucrezia for about 10 years, a woman who dedicated her life to the English bulldog and what we will tell today was one of the most touching and sensational stories I know. In reference to this story, conflicting opinions were created, but the fact is that anyone who was in the world of bulldogs in those years remembers Paladino's story.

Who is Lucrezia?

Lucrezia is an English Bulldog breeder, owner of the "Delle Pupe Lorde" kennel. Battistutta Lucrezia was born in Bergamo on 01/09/78 and has always been passionate about this splendid breed, the English bulldog. His first litter was born on March 19, 2010 and since that day 14 years have passed dedicated solely and exclusively to this breed. From that litter was born Armagnac (Vittorio), Young Italian Champion, Top Dog CIB, third in the Salzburg world championship and with many other exhibition awards. It is thanks to him that the adventure of Pupe Lorde, an ENCI and FCI recognized kennel, began. Breeding is his job, he couldn't do anything else in life

Who is Paladin?

Paladino was born on 03/11/14, together with his 7 brothers. Lucrezia, however, immediately realizes that he has a cleft palate.

What is a cleft palate?

Cleft palate in dogs is a congenital malformation of the palate that occurs during the puppy's fetal development. The palate is the upper wall of the oral cavity (the so-called roof of the mouth) and, at the same time, the floor of the nasal cavities.


Lucrezia remembers that anguishing journey from the clinic home, alone, with this puppy who needed help to breathe because he was constantly running out of oxygen.

Lucrezia: "Like a punch in the stomach it was clear to me that that little boy's life was entirely in my hands and that it wasn't an easy situation."

Thus begins their adventure. We will not go into technical things, but for those who do not know this pathology it is right to know that a puppy suffering from a cleft palate cannot feed itself, since that cleft is directly connected to the lungs and even just a drop of milk can cause it to death. He must be fed only and exclusively with a tube until the day of surgery which will allow him to lead a normal life. Yes, you understood correctly, there is a solution for cleft palate, but the operation cannot be done before a certain age.

Lucrezia: "On several occasions I heard myself being told: forget it, what are you doing? You can't change nature and its destiny is already written. Hundreds of times I felt unsuitable and incapable. I was at the beginning of my career and there was already an obstacle that was so difficult to overcome. Despite the difficulties, Paladino, with his tenacity, gave me courage and made me understand that, sometimes, the force of life is so overbearing that it becomes stronger. of nature itself. Paladino took away my sleep, made me lose 5 kg in 30 days".

A modicum of emotion and then she says: "Paladino taught me the freedom that knowledge, learning and studying give you. I learned so many notions that a world opened up to me. As a breeder I will always be proud to have raised a puppy like Paladin and, although it is true that nature often takes its course,
his will to live was stronger than everything." Paladino becomes a little angel on 10/15/21, after 7 years in which he transmitted love to all those who knew him.

If you want to support Lucrezia's work, just enter the discount code DELLEPUPELORDE24

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1 comment

Mi chiamo Letizia, ho avuto l’onore di conoscere Lucrezia per la prima volta nel 2015, quando andai per curiosità a vedere una gara di Bulldog Inglesi, lei mi ha colpito subito tra tantissimi amatori e allevatori, ho percepito subito l’amore che metteva nell’accudirli e nel raccontare di loro, è una donna meravigliosa esperta nel suo lavoro che è la sua passione, piena di grinta ed energia..
Così .. nel settembre del 2015 mi fece conoscere il primo amore della mia vita..una bulla di nome Zoe, e nell’estate del 2019 la mia seconda gioia Daisy!
Non smetterò mai di ringraziarla per la sua passione e l’amore che trasmette attraverso i suoi bulli.. Viva Lucrezia e viva le pupe Lorde!


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