News from PatForPet

Da compagno di vita a problema da risolvere: una storia di legami e incomprensioni.

From Life Partner to Problem to Solve: A Story ...

Mariasole Ferrante

The article explores the complexity of dog language and the importance of understanding their emotions. Often, even when we live with a dog, we are not aware of the signals...

From Life Partner to Problem to Solve: A Story ...

Mariasole Ferrante

The article explores the complexity of dog language and the importance of understanding their emotions. Often, even when we live with a dog, we are not aware of the signals...

"Annusare è Libertà: Il Bisogno Essenziale del Cane durante la Passeggiata"

"Sniffing is Freedom: The Dog's Essential Need ...

Mariasole Ferrante

The article highlights the importance of dogs being able to sniff during walks, as smell is essential to their physical and mental well-being. Sniffing helps reduce stress, stimulates the mind,...

"Sniffing is Freedom: The Dog's Essential Need ...

Mariasole Ferrante

The article highlights the importance of dogs being able to sniff during walks, as smell is essential to their physical and mental well-being. Sniffing helps reduce stress, stimulates the mind,...

Traversine per cani: una soluzione comoda per il proprietario, ma problematica per il cane

Dog pee pads: a convenient solution for the own...

Mariasole Ferrante

The article discusses the pros and cons of using dog pee pads. Although these may seem like a convenient solution for owners, as they avoid taking the dog out frequently,...

Dog pee pads: a convenient solution for the own...

Mariasole Ferrante

The article discusses the pros and cons of using dog pee pads. Although these may seem like a convenient solution for owners, as they avoid taking the dog out frequently,...

Guinzaglio: Un filo di comunicazione, non solo di controllo

Leash: A thread of communication, not just control

Mariasole Ferrante

The leash is often seen as a tool to control the dog, but in reality it is much more: it is a thread of communication that connects us to our...

Leash: A thread of communication, not just control

Mariasole Ferrante

The leash is often seen as a tool to control the dog, but in reality it is much more: it is a thread of communication that connects us to our...

Perché la socializzazione dei cani al guinzaglio può essere dannosa: alternative migliori

Why Leash Socialization Can Be Harmful: Better ...

Mariasole Ferrante

The article discusses the importance of dog socialization, distinguishing between their innate sociability and that required to adapt to the human environment. Many owners confuse socialization with leash encounters, which...

Why Leash Socialization Can Be Harmful: Better ...

Mariasole Ferrante

The article discusses the importance of dog socialization, distinguishing between their innate sociability and that required to adapt to the human environment. Many owners confuse socialization with leash encounters, which...

La responsabilità del proprietario di un cane: come costruire un legame solido.

Dog Ownership Responsibility: How to Build a St...

Mariasole Ferrante

The relationship between dog owners and their pets is much more than physical care: it involves strong emotional bonds and social challenges. Carri Westgarth's study explores how owners interpret responsibility...

Dog Ownership Responsibility: How to Build a St...

Mariasole Ferrante

The relationship between dog owners and their pets is much more than physical care: it involves strong emotional bonds and social challenges. Carri Westgarth's study explores how owners interpret responsibility...